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Creating an Abundance Mindset

Anytime I sit down to meditate or set an intention for my yoga practice or day ahead, I like to clearly define what it is I am seeking to gain or grow within.

Abundance is very simply-a very large quantity of something.

Abundance is a word that seems to convey a different meaning to different people. When you ask someone what abundance means to them, the answer they give you is sometimes a glimpse into what they truly desire most in their lives. Be it love, money, health, beauty, peace, or any other attainable feeling or item, you can almost be sure the response to this question is what someone simply wants more of.

First, let’s discuss why you may not have abundance in your life and then we will talk about how to gently move into a better relationship with your abundance mindset.

If you are lacking something in your life, something you crave, desire, want so badly it consumes your thoughts then you are lacking in an Abundance Mindset. No one can define what is enough for anyone but themselves.

For many of us, this is where it becomes tricky. In most cases, we humans have two very similar reasons for not having an abundance mindset: Guilt and generational behavior patterns.

Did you grow up in a household where you were taught to be so humbled you never desired more? Were you ever told wanting to be rich was greedy? Have you ever been told to be happy with what you got because so many people were worse off than you? Did someone tell you it was vain to care about your appearance? When you were unhappy in a relationship did anyone tell you that you should just be happy since said partner was a good person?

These thoughts are old ways of thinking and create negative thought patterns and life decisions. While there is so much to unfold on this topic, I believe simply recognizing that you have these thoughts in your mind is the first step to working through these unhelpful and unhealthy mindsets to open the doorway to an abundance mindset.

Begin to let go of guilt attached to wanting a better life. Practice meditations specifically formulated for this very purpose.

Here is one of my favorite meditations from

Now let’s briefly discuss a few basic ideas on how to start inviting an abundance mindset into your life.

Be in control of your choices and be intuitive. When faced with decisions breathe deep, close your eyes, focus your gaze upward to the middle point of your brows and breathe deeply, focusing on your inhale and exhale.

Be rooted in your physical and mental body. Taking a moment to be relaxed but alert, present but drawing energy from within. Speak with authenticity and authority. Stand in your tallness and own your space. Most importantly, breathe deeply, the person who controls their breath with most care, controls the situation.

Always know you are working on something bigger than yourself. Yogi Bhajan said if you can convince the whole world you can serve them, you will have them in the palm of your hand. But to convince you must be genuine. Beyond all else, serve. Give, give, give. When serving humanity is your base and foundation, there is a wave of gratitude from the collective consciousness that's more powerful, profound, and gratifying than anything you could ever receive in any other form. It's true success and fulfillment. Then and only then will you begin to see the abundance in your life more clearly, and you will be a trustworthy steward to accept even more abundance now and into the future.

Sat Naam

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